Hi there! Welcome to the blog, this is my little corner of the internet where I share all of the latest happenings from client sessions, personal work, and everything in between! Make yourself at home here, and if you feel inclined, leave me a message. I love getting to know those of you who stop by and spend time here!




Kellyn Wilson Photography Blog

Headshot | KWP Branding

6 Tips to Get the Most for Your Money with Your Headshots

By Kellyn Wilson | May 14, 2021 | 0 Comments

Professional headshots are definitely an investment, both financially and for your professional career, but they’re well worth it! A high-quality headshot can help you make a great first impression, whether you’re applying for a job or promoting your own business. Here are a few ways to get the most out of your professional headshots.  Use […]

Help Your Business Soar With a Personal or Business Branding Photography Session

By Kellyn Wilson | January 15, 2019 | 0 Comments

  So you’re a solo-preneur or a small business owner fighting to get your piece of the market in the digital age, huh? Friend, I feel you 100%. As a photographer, I’m walking that same road (with a camera strapped to my back). My biggest business tool is a camera, and whether yours is a […]

Personal and Small Business Branding | Kellyn Wilson Photography

Top 3 Reasons You Need a Personal Branding Photoshoot

By Kellyn Wilson | June 12, 2019 | 0 Comments

Creating a unique personal brand and identity for your business involves a lot of thought, time, and ingenuity. Your brand is what communicates who you are to your audience and what sets you apart from the competition. So every detail counts, from your website toyour logo to your photos. It’s crucial to put your best […]

Headshot | KWP Branding

Layering Your Looks For Your Photo Session

By Kellyn Wilson | April 20, 2021 | 0 Comments

During your photo shoot, you don’t want to waste time making constant outfit changes Most photographers will limit the number of outfits you can change into. Location can also limit what you’d be able to change into as well, but layering items of clothes can help resolve this problem. By adding on some simple pieces […]

Headshot | KWP Branding

How to Prepare for Your Headshot Session

By Kellyn Wilson | March 29, 2021 | 0 Comments

If you’ve never had a professional headshot session before, you may not know quite what to expect. Some of the most common questions we hear from clients are these: What should I wear? Should I have my hair done? What if I have a breakout? For starters, take a deep breath. Relax. You hired a […]

Top 5 Benefits of Professional Photography for Your Small Business

By Kellyn Wilson | March 29, 2021 | 0 Comments

  Having professional photos taken for your business can help your company grow, as well as provide you with high-quality imagery for promoting your brand. Whether you need a new cover photo for your Facebook Business Profile, updated product photos, or even print ads, professional photography can make a huge difference. Don’t think professional photography […]

KWP Branding: Product Photography

Fresh Business Branding Photos Are a Must: Here’s Why

By Kellyn Wilson | December 16, 2020 | 0 Comments

If you’ve got a small business, you hopefully already know how important business branding photos are. But if not, let me remind you: if you are a small business owner, your brand is not just your logo, it’s you. It’s important to have great photos for your personal brand and products so that your customers […]

Headshot Session

Why you need a Professional Headshot Photo | Kellyn Wilson Photography

By Kellyn Wilson | July 11, 2018 | 4 Comments

Your Professional headshot is the first introduction to you, your business and your personal brand. Around 93% of HR professionals and recruiters turn to LinkedIn to find quality candidates, 2 in 3 turn to Facebook and more than half utilize Twitter. This just proves that a headshot photo plays an important role in your professional […]

Kellyn Wilson Photography | Metro East Lifestyle Portrait Photographer

Things Photographers Wished Their Clients Knew

By Kellyn Wilson | April 2, 2019 | 0 Comments

  Of course I desire for each and every photo session to go smoothly and for clients to have the most enjoyable experience possible. Many people believe that my job as your photographer is pretty simple. You just point and shoot right? The reality is that there’s a lot more that goes into capturing the […]

Kellyn Wilson Photography

Why You Should Hire a Professional Photographer

By Kellyn Wilson | October 1, 2019 | 0 Comments

    If you are wondering why you should hire a professional photographer when you can get your bestie to take them for you, I encourage you to think twice. Now that all cell phones have professional grade cameras on them, taking a photo is right in your hands and you may not think it […]

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