Do you even remember? I need to tell you something. You probably haven’t...ever. From the first moment of parenting, it’s a rush. You have rushing emotions, rushing ideas and, of course, you’re rushing from here to there. There’s virtually no slow down to parenthood. And, even if there was, would you remember what to do with all that down time? Probably not. Don’t blink, though, because the second you do… your kids will be grown and gone and all of those memories will come rushing back to greet you.


But, you can preserve them, did you know?


Not your children. You can’t preserve children (I wish)... but you can preserve memories; milestones; emotions and expressions. I offer family photo sessions (including those with children only) for just that purpose. I want to help you capture those beautiful moments that are passing by without notice.

I want you to have professionally finished photographs that document your baby’s smile; your toddler’s adorable new teeth and mischievous grin; your grade-schooler’s independence, and so on. All of these things, though small and often looked over are meant to be captured. Professional photographs (fine art) are meant to last for generations. Your grandchildren and great-grands will thank you for taking the time to slow down and document history in the making. 

All of these idiosyncrasies are what make your family unique...and yours. No one else’s family will have the same grins, laughs, and mannerisms as yours. Let’s create a session that not only captures these things, but also is a time for your family to take a break and spend time together.  

My on-location lifestyle portrait sessions are meant to be relaxing. I will make sure that even the camera-shy ones in your family have a great time while memories are being made and moments are being preserved.

So, how long has it been, again?


If you can’t remember, let’s not go any further than now. Schedule your family photo session today so we can bottle up those memories and keep them forever. Contact me for more information or to reserve your session date. I can’t wait to meet you and learn more about your family - and what makes you, you.



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