Imagine (8.5 x 9.5 in) (1)

Product Photography | KWP Branding

Clean & Pristine

Starting at $300 + tax

  • Clean Focus on your products, photographed alone, center stage.
  • Minimalist Presentation with no distracting background or foreground elements.
  • Hero Product Shots where all the attention is on what you offer.
KWP Branding

Artistically Styled

Starting at $450 + tax

  • Artistically photographed products with subtle enhancements.
  • Background and foreground elements to highlight product features.
  • Studio photography for professional look.
  • Creative collages tailored to your brand vision.

Hustle & Heart Product Ensemble

Starting at $600 + tax 

  • Entrepreneur Spotlight: Showcase yourself, the heart behind the brand.
  • Lifestyle Photography: Capture you with your products in real-world settings.
  • Multiple Angles: Tell your story with a variety of compelling shots.


Kellyn Wilson - Branding Refresh Photos-22

Contact me to get started!

Please note that spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis and availability is very limited. A 50% retainer and signed contract is required to reserve your date.

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